Check out the shops on the map to find the missing letters on the sheet below, and call in at Knowle Methodist Church’s Summer Fayre to collect your prize!

We believe in putting our faith into action. One of the ways we do this is through hospitality. Every Monday at Knowle and winter Tuesdays at St Peter’s we’re open for people to come and spend time with others, and enjoy home made soup and other food, or just a coffee and a chat.

The film was made for churches across Bristol and some of it was filmed last March at Knowle Methodist Church.

We had fun in the week before Christmas 2023 with our Nativity Trail - local families joined a trail around our shops and took part in activities at the church afterwards. A great way of valuing our local businesses as well as having a bit of Christmas fun and remembering the Christmas story - “a story as old as time, a story we all know. It’s a modern story about a refugee king of the people, an unmarried couple and an angry king who would resort to violence for power.

The historical effects of what happened in that land, long before Jesus was born, still ring out today. Let us pray and wish Gaza, Palestine and Israel peace now and always.”

Broomhill Food Club

meets at St Peter’s on Tuesdays and is run by Family Action working with East Bristol Children’s Centre.

Food Club is open on Tuesdays every week from 12 till 2pm. You can join the Food Club for a small amount for the year, and then each week if you want to collect some food you pay a small amount and help yourself to the wonderful things on offer. The Food Club is just as much about avoiding waste as it is about helping families and individuals to make their budgets stretch so you’re doing the planet a favour by joining! Most people are referred to the Food Club by various agencies or by the church. Contact Rev Sally on the email (address below) or East Bristol Children’s Centre for more information.

When our Welcome Space is open (11am-2pm) you can also pop in for a (free) coffee and a bowl of delicious soup made by Ruth, and you’ll find a friendly welcome there too.

go to WHAT'S ON | Ebcc ( for more details or contact Rev Sally through this website.